Let’s get ready for some festivities!
Here we are, it’s finally December and it’s getting really close to my favourite time of the year – Christmas!! The thought of all the decorations, presents, the fancy trees, and rich foods usually bring a smile to my face. In some places, you can already see Christmas decorations up and blinking away back in early November! Well, it never hurts to have everyone in the festive mood a bit earlier!
An unusual year calls for an unusual tree
With this year’s “special” situation, celebrating Christmas will be even more of an “at home” event than previous years. With everyone staying home this holiday season, there is all the more reason to decorate your home nicely to enjoy the festivities together! Why not feature an alternative Christmas tree instead of a traditional one? My Mother-in-Law usually alternates between a traditional tree and a modern take on it every other year. I remember one year she made one by stacking different sizes of white carton boxes, laced with lights, into a tall tree shape and it was just spectacular.
Why build a house when you can build a village?
One thing I love about Christmas is the smell of gingerbread around the house, the spices just yell Christmas! Kids can help make and decorate a little gingerbread village to be used as centre piece on the dinner table that they can be proud of, and it can easily occupy them an afternoon or two!
Stuff the turkey to stuff your tummy
Now that the decorations have been taken care of, time to think about the main Christmas meal! Due to social distancing, big parties are unlikely, so some turkey farms are actually going to supply smaller birds for this year’s “scaled down” celebrations. In terms of what to serve, apart from the usual cooking websites that provide great ideas, I really like these suggestions from onecrazymom that are easy, delicious-looking and less traditional.
A hug from Bombol
No matter how we choose to celebrate Christmas, it is an occasion to appreciate the love we share between family and friends. The warmth generated from such family times will be enough to weather us through this particularly “challenging” Winter of 2020. The Bombol team sends you a virtual hug and we wish everyone a joyous time with the family and a fabulous festive season.
Stay Sparky!