Happy New Year!
The Bombol team wishes you a healthy (above all things) 2021!
Many of us wanted to write off 2020 and dive straight into 2021 without looking back, well, here we are!! Now that we can start the year afresh, how should we plan this to make it the BEST year EVER after we have gone through one of the worst in recent history? I think it is the right moment to think of setting some New Year resolutions for 2021 to make sure we get the most out of the year.
You need to strategize your New Year resolutions!

Photo by @victoriacotovan
I am sure that, at one point or another, we all have made new year resolutions and failed to follow through with them after a couple of weeks (if we were persistent). But I think we should definitely give it another try now, because we have gone through a particularly tough year and survived, that means we will be strong enough to follow through with the resolutions and challenges in 2021! Of course, what goals you set this year matters a lot to their success rate too. That’s why I find this article’s suggestions super helpful because I do agree that we need to start small and set realistic goals in bite size.
It is always a good way to set good examples to our children and get them involved in what goes on in our lives. So why not help them set their own new year resolutions so you can give each other mental support, especially when the going gets tough?
Send the best New Year wishes to your loved ones
In this holiday season, I find it emotionally very tough not being able to spend it with my close family and friends due to social distancing concerns. It’s not possible to give new year wishes in person, no cheering and counting down together, nor group hugging our loved ones at midnight on New Year’s eve, and toasting together for a great year ahead…All we have left is video calls and text messages that we can send to wish everyone well in 2021. Well, if that’s what we have, then let’s make the best out of it! I found some meaningful messages here that can provide some inspiration when sending the new year greetings to your loved ones (although these suggestions seem to be meant for New Year Cards, I think they work just as well if not better in text messages!)
What does 2021 have in store for all of us?
2021, may you bring us more joy than your predecessor did, and we welcome you with open arms and enthusiasm! We will make the best of you by Staying Sparky!